Current Events

A Charitable Response to An Eminent Pastor

I want to underline my deep respect for the man I am responding to in this article. He has been a rock to the church of Jesus Christ in England through one of its most challenging eras in many generations. My wife sat under his ministry during her internship in South London, and I attempted…Continue readingA Charitable Response to An Eminent Pastor

Current Events

Church Is Essential

This morning as I scanned my Facebook feed it was filled with “Church Is Essential” banners as Christians in Northern Ireland expressed their opposition to planned restrictions that will include a prohibition on churches meeting in their buildings. I was encouraged by what I read. Most of the concern seems to be among the younger…Continue readingChurch Is Essential


Remembering Dr. Alan Cairns

Today I lost a father. Not my biological father. A father in the faith. A man who shaped the faith of my maternal grandparents. A man who shaped the congregation in which I was nurtured in the early days of my walk with Christ. A man who shaped the congregation in which I now minister.…Continue readingRemembering Dr. Alan Cairns

Thinking Out Loud

When Your Political Views Obstruct Clear Biblical Teaching

We’re less than two months away from an election. Pastors are, I believe, right to lead their congregations in prayer for local, regional, and national leaders. They may even go further and address relevant matters from the Word of God. As always, however, there will be liberals in the church pushing an agenda that originates with…Continue readingWhen Your Political Views Obstruct Clear Biblical Teaching


Christian Education and Homeschooling On the Rise

I want to leave you with some encouragement today, especially to those of you in Christian education and those of you that homeschool. I’ve been hearing lately that some of those that provide homeschool materials are struggling to keep up with demand and Christian school applications are up significantly. Last evening, Rev. Kevin Swanson mentioned…Continue readingChristian Education and Homeschooling On the Rise


When the Enemy Comes In A-Roaring Like a Flood

Responsibility can overwhelm us at times. Perhaps this email comes into your inbox at a time when you’re feeling it keenly. It comes in many forms, but let me share with you how I have been feeling it recently. As Melanie has made preparations for the new school year and we have discussed different aspects of the…Continue readingWhen the Enemy Comes In A-Roaring Like a Flood


This Fourth of July Remember An Unchanging Christ

We live in a day of anxiety producing headlines. In a sense, that’s what the networks sell these days, anxiety. Of course, they have had it easy over the past few months. Covid-19 is the gift that keeps on giving (sarcasm intended), and just as it was losing its shock and awe effect, the neo-Marxists…Continue readingThis Fourth of July Remember An Unchanging Christ


Returning to Two Services And the Fifth Commandment

With great appreciation to [name removed] and those willing to help her sanitize the church after the morning service, we believe we are now prepared to recommence our evening services starting this coming Lord’s Day. Things have not returned to normal as yet. News of positive tests for Covid-19 haven’t gone away, and as imperfect…Continue readingReturning to Two Services And the Fifth Commandment

Current Events

When The State Seizes Your Millstone

Amidst the Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic, one of the most difficult experiences for Americans has been the decision at various levels of government to prevent “non-essential workers” from doing their job. This was not a unique experience to American workers, it occurred in various parts of the world. The question is, if those deciding were…Continue readingWhen The State Seizes Your Millstone

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